
Man, not Angels will Rule the World: vs 5 Man to be Crowned with Glory and Honor: vs 6-8 The Glorious Lord Jesus Christ: vs 9-10
2 Restorative acts towards wayward saints:- Love Sinners through Correction. (14-17) Lead sinners into fruitfulness.(18-21)
2 Restorative Acts towards Wayward Saints: Love sinners through correction. (14-17)
2 Biblical Mindsets that Vanquish Pride: View yourself Accurately. (7,8) Value Christ over Life. (9-13)
2 Biblical Mindsets that Vanquish Pride: View Yourself Accurately. (7-8)
3 attributes of God that showcase eternal security:- He is the Powerful God. vs 24 He is our Saving God. vs 25a He is a Great Praiseworthy God. vs 25b
3 Standards of a true Servant of Christ: Let Christ be  known, not you. (1-2) To live under Christ's eye, not your Critics. (3-4) Look for Christ's Glory, not man's.…
3 Kingdom pursuits that bring Joy at the Bema:- Take God's Church Seriously. (16-17) Think upon the Word more than the World. (18-20) Treasure  God's reward over men's. (21-23)
2 Duties to persevere in times of Apostasy:- Building Spiritual Lives in the Triune God. (20-21) Showing Mercy to Victims in times of Apostasy. (22-23)
2 Commitments that Enable Ministry Integrity:- Begin with the Right Foundation. (10-11) Build with Eternal Goals. (12-15)
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