
4 Key Marks of apostates that we must detect: Their Dangerous Influence. vs 12 Their Ministry is useless.vs12b Their Shameless Lives vs 13 Their Unstable destiny. 13b
3 Conquest of the Sufficient Cross Over Men:- It Overcomes Men's Wisdom (19-20) It Outdoes Man's Schemes (21-23) It Outruns Man's Rebellion (24-25)
2 Powerful Effects of the Preaching of the Cross:- It Exposes Depravity. It Encourages Humility.
3 Downfalls of the Church that Plays Politics:- We Discourage the Brethren (11) We Diminish Christ's Lordship (12-15) We Destroy our Witness (16-17)
3 Reasons Why We Must Fight for Unity: We are an Eternal Family We are an Imperfect Family. We are a truth Bearing Family.
3 Familiar Sinful Attractions that we must beware of The Self Cantered man- Cain vs 11a The Greedy Man- Balaam vs 11b The Prideful man- Korah vs 11c
3 exclusive Gifts of God to the Church: The Mind of God. (5-7) The Hope of God.  (7-9)
3 Exclusive Gifts of God to the Church The Grace of God (4)
2 Divine Marks of the People of God: We Live for God's Purpose. (1) We Live for God's People. (2-3)
3 Sinful Characteristics of Dreamers that opens our eyes to see the sufficiency of God. They Practice Immorality, not Purity. vs 8 They Reject Lordship With their Pride. vs 8b…
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