
3 Uplifting Parting Words from Hebrews: Satisfy your Heart with God's Word. (22) Support the Work of the Church (23-24) Sustain Yourself with Grace. (25)
2 Heart Cries of Gospel Living Saints: A Hunger for God's Forgiveness. (1-4) A Hope in God's Faithfulness. (5-8)
3 Historical Judgements of the Lord that the Church must Remember. He Destroyed Unbelievers. vs 5 He Kept the Rebellious in Eternal Chains. vs 6-7 He Exhibited Sinners as an…
A Study in Contrast The Fear of Sinners (18-20) The Faithfulness of the Saviour (20-23)
3 Strong Reasons why the Church Should Fight for the Faith. The Priorities of the Loving Teacher for the Church vs 3 The Preciousness of the Doctrine of the Church.…

A Prayer of Benediction

December 12, 2021
2 God Empowered Blessings for the Church. Affirm God's Power to Save. (20) Rely on God's Encouragement to serve. (21)
2nd Action of Encouragement towards our Leaders. Strengthen your Leaders through Prayer. (18-19)
2 Actions of Encouragement towards our Leaders. Satisfy them with glad obedience  (17)
3 Comforting Effects of our Security in Christ. It humbles Us. vs 1 He Protects us. vs 1b It Encourages Us. vs 3
3 Consuming Affections for those who  Love Christ:  Long for our Home in Heaven. (14) Live in Ceaseless Worship. (15) Look for Opportunities to Bless Others. (16) 
1 2 3 13 14 15 16 17 52 53 54