
Three ways we must trust in the Faithful Yahweh because he is our helper 1) By Praising Yahweh (1-2) 2) By Depending only on Yahweh (3-4) 3) By Putting our…
Four Amazing Facts that his children must know 1. The Privileges of his Children (1-2a) 2. The Persecution of his Children (1b) 3. The Future Hope of his Children.(2) 4.…
Four Motivations to lean on Jesus the forgiver 1) He Preaches the Gospel of Forgiveness (2) 2) He Provides Forgiveness through Faith (3-5) 3) He Possesses the Power to Forgive…

The Reformation of Christ

March 15, 2020
SERMON OUTLINE: 3 Amazing Transformations Christ accomplished: He Changed Heaven and Earth (11) He Made Earth know Good again He Marched into Heaven for us He Completely Saved His People…

Worship through Shadows

March 8, 2020
SERMON OUTLINE: Two Worship lessons from the shadow of the Law: Worship is to Dwell with God (1-5) To Share His Goodness (1-2) To Seek His Grace (3,4a) To Showcase…
SERMON OUTLINE: Theme: Celebrating the New Covenant 2 Reasons to Exult in the New Covenant: The Barrenness of the Old Covenant (7-9) It was weak (7) It was limited (8)…
SERMON OUTLINE: 2 Magnificent Pictures of Jesus' Ministry: Jesus Serves in Heaven's Temple (1-2) To Glorify the Father (1) To Bless God's People (2) Jesus Supersedes all Earthly Service (3-6)…
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