
2 Christ-like Characters in Christ-Centered Marriage. 1. A Submissive Wife. Vs 18 2. A Loving Husband. Vs 19
1. We must know: God's Holiness. Vs 5 2. What we must Show: A Transformed life. vs 6 3. What we must do: We must walk in the Light. vs…
4 Key Duties of the New Man that We Must Fulfil: 1. Clothe yourself with Christ's Love. vs 14 2. Allow Christ's Peace to rule in your life. vs 15…
2 principles that we must follow to become Christ-like. 1. Meditate on your great identity as a Saint. (11-12a) 2. Imitate Christ' attitude as a saint. (12b-13)
Three Obstacles that are overcome in Christ's Resurrection Power: 1. The Hatred of the Leader. (27:62-66) 2. The Fear of the Disciples. (28:1-10) 3. The Slander of the World. (28:11-15)
Two Christ like Actions of Love that Vanquishes its Foes: 1. Restraining Enmity with Grace. (Love is patient) 2. Repaying Evil with Good. (Love is Kind)
3 Correctives on Biblical Love: 1. Great Speaking without Love......(1) .....Hurts rather than helps the Body. 2. Great Spiritual Gifts without Love.....(2) .....makes us ineffective in the body. 3. Great…
1. The Object of our Faith: Jesus Christ always Existed. 1a. 2. The Proof of our Faith: Man Heard, Saw, Looked upon and Handled. vs 1b 3. The Substance of…
2 Principles to fight against the destructive sin of our own self. 1. Killing the sins that destroy us: vs 5-7. 2. Stopping sins that destroy our relationship: vs 8-10.
3 God Glorifying Purposes of Spiritual Gifts. 1. Exalt God's Power over Our Choice. (28) 2. Emphasize Christ not your Gifts. (29-30) 3. Earnestly Love others instead of your Gifts.…