
3 facts that we must remember about our Reconciliation: Our past relation with God as unreconciled. vs 21. Our present peace with God as reconciled. vs 22 Our present commitment…
2 ways to hope in a marriage with an unbeliever:- God blesses when one spouse is faithful. (12-13) God Saves when one spouse is fervent. (14-16)
Three things that prove his Supremacy in the Church: His headship over the Church. vs. 18a. His Victory over Death. 18b-19 His Reconciliation through the Cross. vs. 20
2 Quality of Christ that prove his Supremacy. His Divine Essence vs 15a His Preeminence over creation vs 15b-17
2 Applications of Covenantal Faithfulness in our Relationships: Singles- Be SOLD OUT to the Lord. (8-9) Couples- Be SUBMISSIVE to your Vows. (10-11)
3 Divine Perspectives on marriage: Singleness DEVOTES one to God (1,6-7) Marriage DEVELOPS Service (2-3) Marriage DISCIPLES us in Submission (4-5)
3  pursuits that develop Christian Morality: Think Eternally not Existentially. (12-13) Devote your body to Christ (14-17) Train your Heart for Holiness. (18-20)
3 Pursuits that develop a Christian Morality: Think Eternally not Existentially. (12-13) Devote your body to Christ (14-17)
3 Pursuits that develop a Christian Morality: Think Eternally not Existentially. (12-13)
Two Focus of intercession for the Saints: Pray for their Knowledge of God's will.(vs. 9) Pray for their Lives to be Christ Centered. (10-14)
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