
  Proclaiming Christ purposefully vs 28-29
2 Gospel perspectives on Marriage: Seek First-  Usefulness to the Lord (25-27). Sense the shortness of Earthly life (28-31).
Overcoming 2 hindrances to our witness:- Shunning culture instead of corruption. (17-19) Seeking justice over Jesus. (20-24)
THREE INSTRUCTIONS TO LIVE A SANCTIFIED LIFE Paul's extortion to live a life pleasing to God (1-2) Pauls reason for purity for the Thessalonians (3-5) Paul's motivation for the Believer…
2  unshakeable Contrasts of the righteous man: His Influence. (1-2) His impact . (3-6)
IMPERATIVE to go on to MATURITY (vs. 1-3) IMPOSSIBLE to RESTORE Enlightened Unbelievers (vs 4-8) PERSEVERING to the End to INHERIT the Promises (vs. 9-12)
2 Biblical directions for how we govern the Church. JESUS is the ONLY HEAD over the Church. JUSUS Rules throughout a PLURALITY OF ELDERS.
Suffering for the church joyfully 1:24 Ministering to the Church Faithfully. 25-27
3 Reasons to have Joy on Trials Trials Prove our Genuine Faith vs. 3 Trials Produce Courageous Endurance vs 3 Trials provide Spiritual Maturity vs 4
4 Truths that Provide Security in Christ: The Cry of the Believer.(1-3) The Confidence of the Father.(4-6) The Conquest of the Son. (7-9) The Gospel Call of the Saviour. (10-12)
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