3 Essential marks of a model Pastor 1. He must be a member of the Local Church. vs12 2. He Must be a slave of Christ. vs 12 3. He…
Three Stands against Worldly Compromise: 1. Recognize we are at War. (1-7) 2. Refuse to Disobey God's Commands. (8-12) 3. He Rejoices in the Victories God Produces. (14-21)
Three Reasons why we should long greatly for heaven: 1. Heaven is Superior to Everything we know. (1) 2. Heaven is sweet Fellowship with Immanuel(2,3) 3. Heaven is Satisfying of…
Two Actions of Christian Love at Work: 1. Practices Fellowship. (19-21) 2. Protects love for Christ. (22-24)
Two Duties of Christ-like Ministers we must cherish. 1. Respect hard Workers ( 15-16) 2. Regard Faithful Encouragers (17-18)
Three Workout Targets that build Spiritual Strength: 1. Head (13) 2. Heart (13) 3. Hands (14)
Two Christ-like Models of Building up Weaker brothers: 1. Encouraging a Timid Brother. (10-11) 2. Exhorting a Hero-Worshipping Church. (12)
Three offices of Christ that showcase Him as Lord of History: 1. Jesus is our Conquering King. (1-3) 2. Jesus is our Continual Priest (4) 3. Jesus will be the…
3 Ways he has power to Save us from Brokenness: 1. He is over Nations. (1-9) 2. He is over his Enemies. (10-12) 3. He overcomes our Sorrows. (13-18)
Two Amazing Miraculous Aspects of Jesus's Incarnation. 1. It is an amazing identification. (The Word became flesh)